Thursday, March 7, 2013


என் வேலை, 
என் பணம், 
என் சொத்து, 
என் ஆஸ்தி,
என் மக்கள், 
என் ஜாதி, 
என் மதம், 
என் இனம், 
என்ற கோடுகளைப் போட்டு 
இறுகிய சமூகத்தில்
மனிதம் இழக்கிறான் 
'என்' மனிதன்!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

சாதி வரவேற்பு!

சாதியை நான் வரவேற்கிறேன்
என் கழிவறையில் கரப்பான்பூச்சியை வரவேற்பதைப்போல!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Balance in economy - compared

I know I have not updated my blog since long time. I do not want to give out blunt reasons for it and the truth is I being little lazy (Can hear your voice saying "NOT LITTLE..!", I accept).

I have already pointed out my eye on the cultural difference in here. In addition to that I have to point out the extra difference I have felt. Yes, I felt a balance in economy in America when compared to India.
Economy being a decision maker about the life style of a person, I see a balance in economy which takes the people in here to the higher plate (at least to a certain level). Note that I am not making it as economic stability here as no economic policy remains stable over a long period of time unless the policy grows up with the current trend.

I can explain with an example here to make people understand with what I have happened to observe to make out my point. I would like to take a pleasure of comparing the salary of a Truck driver with the person who works in the Computer Software industry.

In India, on an average a truck driver would get a salary around 10,000 INR, while a software person would be getting around 35,000 INR (all these figures are on an average and in any way not concerned with their experience), the ratio being 2:7, which means a software person would roughly earn 3 times more than a truck driver. Let me consider the people works in these two different areas and lives in a metropolitan city like Chennai. A minimum of 10,000 INR is required to survive in such a city. If this is the case, the spending capacity of truck driver will be apparently low (almost null) and here comes the imbalance in economy where a certain group of people can live a luxury life while the other being dumped to the so called line-of-poverty.

In America, on an average a truck driver would be getting around 3000 USD, while a software person would be getting around 4000 USD (again on an average), the ratio being 3:4, though it makes a significant difference in the income, it doesn't affect the life style of the person in a great manner. Even if we consider the people who works in these two areas and lives in a city like Chicago, it doesn't make a lot difference as an average spending would be 1500 USD.

When the spending capacity of the people in a same area differs in vast, here arises the deviation between the people and there starts the segregation into groups/classes among the people and unity cum equality breaks.

I can hear many people say that America is a "DEVELOPED" and India is a "DEVELOPING" nation and I say that this difference arises because of my above stated problem (economic imbalance). These could have been many other reasons justifying this imbalance like corruption level, political system, caste-ism, blah, blah, blah. But I do not want to make any point with those escaping reasons.

People (even most of the educated people) may debate taking a point of educational level of the people justifying the imbalance, but I consider only being a human and everyone possess some quality of being  able to do different things which one person cannot do to it up to the other person's level.

While living in the economy centered world, I believe that the only way to bring equality is to exempt people from being economically unbalanced.

Monday, September 12, 2011

This is the way of life

I was watching a debate program about the most omnipresent discomfort state of mind in everyone "Stress". Apart from most of the non-sense marketed methodologies people now following to get rid of it (I do not want to mention those as I do not want to harm them as I am totally against those quack methodologies), I saw a special mark in the course of the program towards the end and I really wanted to share that with all of my fellow bloggers and visitors. May be I am sharing this just because of the point I noted is what I call "This is the way of life" and which I follow.

We can just ignore discussing the topic when it doesn't possess any aftereffect. But usually this is not the case in reality. Say, for an instance, if a person is stressed out in his office, he/she brings it back to home or if he/she is stressed out in his home, he/she brings it to office and aftereffects happen, which sometimes (Ahem ahem, most of the times) has its devastating effect. I call it as not the way of life. My ideologies here may differ from most of the spectators here as I usually do not follow what I have paraphrased during the start of this paragraph.

Technically speaking, people are quoted to be in stress when they are question marked (either by themselves (mind voice and yes..!) or by a peer) about their ability to complete a task. Let the task be a personal or a professional one.

Whatever the task be, getting into core of the problem and standing a bit away to view it in a global stand point to get an idea of the solution makes the difference of "being-in-stress" and "out-of-stress".

At the same time I do not say that a common man can be without stress at all but I wanted share my idea to reduce it. 

I also believe that these statements will be a trash until a person walks through it and practice it. I usually write a lot when I am writing a philosophical note but I hope I kept it quite short as the solution which I have/follow is simple and straight forward.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

நம் சமூகம்..!

மாயத் தோற்றத்தை அப்படியே ஏற்றுக்கொண்டு, நாம் வாழும் சமூகத்தின் சூழ்ச்சியை அறியாமல் இவ்வுலகத்தின் சுழற்சியில் சிக்கிக்கொண்டு, நாள்தோறும் வெறும் உழைப்பை மட்டும் கொடுத்துவிட்டு, தனக்கு வரவேண்டியவைகளில் பத்தில் ஒரு பங்கிற்கும் விட குறைவாக வாங்கிக்கொண்டு, அரைகுறையாக தனது சராசரி வாழ்க்கைப் பயணத்தைத் தொடரும் என் சக தோழனுக்கும் தோழிக்கும் ஒரு சின்ன பரிசும் எச்சரிக்கையும்.

"இவ்வுலகம் இன்னும் தழைக்க சிறகுகள் ஒடிந்தும் நீ பெரும்பாடு படுவதை நிறுத்தவில்லை - ஆகையால் உன்னைத் தியாகி என்பேன்

நீ ஈட்டித்தந்த தொகையில் கடலளவு கொடுத்து கடுகளவு எடுத்துக்கொண்டு இன்னும் உழைக்கிறாய் - ஆகையால் உன்னை வள்ளல் என்பேன்

ஆயிரம் இடையூறு வந்தாலும் தன் மக்கள் மகிழ்ந்திட பொன்முறுவல் கொண்டு இன்பம் தந்தாய் -  ஆகையால் உன்னை இனியவன் என்பேன்

தீப்பொறியில் ஆரம்பித்து ஏவுகணை வரை அனைத்தும் உன்னாலேயே படைக்கப்பட்டது - ஆகையால் நீயே இறைவனும் என்பேன் 

இப்படி உலகம் யாவையும் உன்னாலே, உன் உழைப்பாலே..

சிந்தையில் வெவ்வேறாக இருப்பது மனிதனின் இயல்பு - ஆனால்
சிந்தை செய்யாமல் நீ நிற்பதோ வாழ்கையின் விளிம்பு..

நீ உடல் வருத்தி உழைத்து மற்றவர்களுக்கே ஈட்டிக்கொடுக்கும் நிலை நீடிக்குமாயின் - உன்னை முதுகெலும்பில்லாப் புழு என்று கூறப்போகும் அச்சம்



உன் கண்முன் தெரிகிற நம் சமூகம்
நீ சொல்லும் வார்த்தையை திருப்பிச் சொல்லும் பச்சசைக்கிளியல்ல பச்சோந்தி..!"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Some Random Questions - 2

Its been a while I touched any blogs. Its not because I didn't have time but on par I am a bit lazy person. I am writing this as I had little time to think about something that boggled my mind. I always had these questions in my mind. I have already raised some questions in here. The next set of questions are numbered below.

1) What are we really searching in life..? If you say money, then to what extent..? (I know many people would say 'Not money' to be on a safer side). If not money, then what else we are running for and on what logic..?

2) Sometimes I'll try to adapt some unique style in handling things (almost everything was a flop though :P). May be the attitude of trying be different made me to do so. With all these things in mind, I got a question in mind that these phenomenon in me is a natural occurrence or am I being cinematic (I never wanted to be so either; at least may be not after my 12th grade)..?

3) We are trying to earn a lot to get fit into the so called high-class curve leaving our physical or/and mental rest behind. At the end of everyday, we are running behind money and gain a materialistic pleasure (I would definitely say not a perfect happiness, at least for me). With these things pondering in my mind, I would ask that what kind of civilized society we are living in..? Is it necessary to abide by these axioms..?

4) When almost all the religions expect us to follow the same discipline, nowhere I see a statement that tells us to grow up with technology. Then what are these technologies are upto..? Why aren't we not sticking to do only farming enough to satisfy the hunger..? (I know that I have complicated the relationship between religion and technology. Yet I see some relation between these as I wanted to mention here that our technology started from a philosophy (like, the invention of light (technology) is to prevent us to from the dark (philosophy))). I would say that everything has a limitation and without that life would be a disaster, in the way I hope technology has its own limitation too.

5) I am little confused to select between these tools; violence and non-violence. I am not a better revolutionist to take up violence to penalize the unfair, to take up non-violence I am not a Gandhian either. Should I follow one strictly (I see cascading effect in taking up the tool. Yes, again.)? If not, explain.

Next set of questions will be in my future posts.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


   Yes, this is what the subject of the mail I got few minutes from my friend who happened to be an Indian. It was actually an article form the Indian daily newspaper "The Hindu".

   I cannot paste the whole content of the mail but I can brief you all about the content. As a nutshell "The Cricket World Cup celebrations are done at the expense of an average death of 46 farmers/day in India. The article didn't really pointed out only the World Cup winning celebrations but the pain of death the dangling farmers get behind the government which unequally treats the person with the Mercedes and the tractor. Yes, I got to know that the interest rate for the farmer to buy a tractor is 15 % which is more than double the rate of interest of a person who loans an amount from a government bank for buying a Mercedes (Well, no other example is required to show the inequality of the government policies)". If this is considered as a  discrimination based on capital, it is fair for our government to get penalized.

   The nub of the article is not emphasizing the avoidance of winning celebrations but to make people envisage when spending their money in the name of unnecessary parties, to enlighten the government which spends in gifting a flat and paying crores for the players.

   I am not writing this to start up a new revolution but I want people who run government to realize that we are being fed by indirectly killing a farmer or his whole family. The worst part of the death is getting deceased because of lack of food for the farmer himself.

   After all, all I can say is "let us celebrate the victory together but not at the extent of the death of another person who fed us by ploughing".

   At this point I remember a short phrase of a poem by the great poet Bharathiyar, "தனி ஒருவனுக்கு உணவு இல்லையெனில் ஜகத்தினை அழித்திடுவோம் (If there is no food for a single person, let us destroy the whole world)". This kind of revolution, I won't say it will happen, at the same time I won't say it will not happen.